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When You Don't See It Coming

Parker McBryde

Blessings come when you least expect it...

When I felt that little push to visit Barnabas Horse Foundation during their December Open House, I had no idea I would reach out to them two days later inquiring about their First Responder Program, nor did I have a clue this place, and the amazing people and horses I have found here, would come to mean so much to me in such a short period of time. When I'm away from BHF, I find this place is always on my keeps me grounded and it keeps me focused.

Just being in conversation with Sue, Jenn and Tiffany, and now Doc, has meant so much. With every passing Monday, I have come to realize the visit in December didn't just happen by a chance reading of a Facebook invitation, but rather by Divine Intervention.

There is no doubt God is at work here...working to heal the trauma of both the individual and the horse. You have only to step onto the property to see it and feel it.

Last Monday, I posted about working with Doc for the first time. The fear of not giving him what he needed from me and the thought of making the situation worse for him was stressful. As Jenn and I sat in the round pen with him, talking about his behavior, our energy and trust, he invaded my personal space.

At the end of that post, I wrote, "Doc made the simple gesture of building on that trust with me, maybe it's time I do the same..." And today, I did just that. There was just one problem...I didn't realize I was doing it. As Tiffany and I were engaged in conversation, I caught myself not only standing in Doc's space, but becoming one with him. Trust snuck right on in there while I wasn't paying attention! There was no anxiety and no stress. It was as if he and I had been on this healing journey together for years. My mind was too busy concentrating on the words of my conversation with Tiffany, while my heart and energy quietly joined Doc's.

Blessings, and healing, can come when you least expect it. I'm so thankful I didn't see this one coming. If I had been aware of what would happen in that moment, I would have missed the opportunity to experience what it can be like to be fully present in the giving and receiving of complete trust...


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2 comentarios

23 ene 2024

So happy for you both. Each healing the other in your own ways.

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23 ene 2024
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Thank you. It's a journey....

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