Most days, I walk along the tree lined path in search of finding a quiet spot in which to think about life or work through my emotions...it's also a place where I go to read or journal.
These walks always take me past a fallen pine tree. There are other fallen trees along the path, but this one always seems to capture my attention. It's always there...waiting. This past Sunday morning, I noticed something a little different about that tree. I'm not sure how long it's been since I walked across a tree, but that's what it was calling me to do...
I thought about it. No one was around, so why not... But, I decided to keep walking. However, on my way back, the urge called out again..."Go ahead...what's stopping you?" Well, I could think of a few good reasons why this would be a bad idea...

But eventually, I gave in to the calling and after a couple of attempts (ok, eight to be exact), I made it from one end of that tree to the other without losing my balance or reaching out to another tree to hold on to. It took a little longer to cross than I thought it would, but it did teach me something about myself...
First, it's ok if I'm fearful of doing something, just take a step...even if it's a small one.
Second, life isn't perfect. There will be days when I am able to accomplish what I need to and there will be days when I will need to stop what I'm doing and readjust in order to keep moving forward.

Third, it's ok to ask for help. The first eight times I attempted to cross, I had to reach out and hold on to the closest standing tree for support. Reaching out helped me slow down, take a breath and regain my balance...then when I was ready, I was able to let go and take the next steps by myself.
Fourth, I learned that I need to stop fighting myself and the process so much. The more I felt like my balance was shifting, the more tense I became and the more I fought with every ounce of strength I had in me to stay on that tree. When I relaxed, and stopped trying to muscle my way through, balancing became easier.
Fifth, staying focused on one little area at a time helped me reach my goal. I didn't need to walk the entire tree in giant leaps to see the end result, I just needed to stay focused on one spot, reach it and move on to the next focal point. The little goals helped me reach the larger one.
Sixth, there will be times when I need to speed up the process and times when I need to slow it down in order to stay balanced.
Seventh, I learned that what was actually stopping me from walking across that tree...was me...I would have continued to get in my own way had I not relaxed, slowed down, taken a deep breath, focused, reached out when I needed to, found balance and stopped fighting what I knew needed to happen in order to keep moving forward...

As I was about to reach the end of the tree, I felt a little shaky like I was going to lose my balance, which would have resulted in having to step off and start over, but I kept hearing, "keep going...keep going..." over and over in my mind. It felt similar to a parent running along side their child, encouraging them to keep going as they ride their bicycle for the very first time without training wheels.
So, keep going...keep taking those small steps.
On this journey, you never know what you will learn about yourself, or where you will learn it. It could come through some spectacular "a-ha" moment, or it could come through a simple fallen tree on a path in the woods...
Beautiful 👏🙌