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I Hope This Brings You Peace...

Parker McBryde

Even though we may be partnered up with someone on an ambulance or stationed with a crew, there does come that occasional still moment of being alone with your thoughts.

Memories are a strange thing. They can lie dormant for such a long time and suddenly, like a houseguest you weren't expecting, there they are. They've arrived at your front door... You may find these memories popping up while you're still active in your career, or like me, when you've been off the street for awhile.

This morning, the memory of a teenage boy came to visit. On the night I met him, it would be his last. I suspect his day had been spent hanging out with his friends, laughing and having fun like all teenagers on Spring Break.

That evening, the fun would turn tragic.

For some reason, the attraction of jumping off a balcony and into a pool, seems so daring... Some people do it and no harm ever comes to them. But there are those who come here on vacation and have a momentary lapse in judgment that changes life for them, their friends, their family members back home, the 911 dispatchers, the officers who had to make the notification and the first responders who provided medical care.

While we are all left with questions and no answers, I have two things to say to his family....

First, know that everything possible was done by the first responders and the medical staff at the hospital.

Second, your son was never alone.

After my report was written and turned in, I was advised that officers from your local police department were enroute to notify you that your son had died. While it was the middle of the night, I could only imagine you being awakened from your sleep to hear the words that would devastate you as a family. With so many miles between us, and not having a child of my own, I went back into your son's room, sat with him, held his hand, and just watched over him. Why? Because if the situation was reversed, I would want someone to sit with my family member, talk to them, tell them how much they were loved and hold their hand...I would want to know they weren't alone.

When tragedy strikes someone so young, I'm often left wondering who they would be today. What kind of life would they have made for themselves? But I have to stop there. I still think of this family and this young man often, but there are also times I realize that I have to let him go.

I know time has a way of healing. And I hope you, as his parents, can take comfort in knowing that our crew tried our best to change the outcome. Your son will always have a special place in our hearts. In his last moments, he was surrounded by loving, caring individuals and I hope that can bring you some peace....


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2 comentarios

17 ene 2024

Thank you for this post I am sure it will bring them some solice.

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18 ene 2024
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Thank you for reading and may we all find our way to peace and healing. ~Parker

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